How To Manage Your Personal Loan More Effectively

Personal loans are your go-to option when it comes to financial distress or if you are in immediate need of funds to meet a heavy expense. However, if you have multiple personal loans taken for various purposes, it might get difficult to plan your finances. Any default will result in penalties and may impact your credit score. Yet, if you plan smartly, it is completely possible to manage your finances while going easy on your wallet.

How To Manage Personal Loans? Following Personal Loan Tips Can Come Handy:


Allot a Budget

While planning your finances, ensure that you allot funds aside for your EMIs. Plan other commitments accordingly. Make a list of your loans and check the interest rates against them. Spend some time on brainstorming on how you can manage the loans. It is wiser to pay off those loans that attract a higher rate of interest.
Although it might sound easier to pay off smaller loans first, it will not reduce your consolidated debt. Consider tax advantages these loans offer and then prioritize.
            ALSO READ: Availing Personal Loans Just Became Super Easy with Digital Lending

Debt Consolidation

Managing too many loans can become a messy affair. In such cases, check if it is possible to consolidate your debt, so that management of instalments every month becomes easier. You can check for attractive loan offers for disposing of other loans. This helps you reduce some of the jargon and makes it possible to avail a lower rate of interest.

Monitor Your Credit Score

When you have too many debts, it is crucial to keep a tab on your credit score. Monitoring your credit score is crucial for ensuring that your finances are healthy. A drop in score will impact your ability to seek loans in the future. A healthy credit score will help you negotiate for a favourable interest rate.
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Make a Payment Schedule

Creating a payment schedule will help you project your future financial responsibilities. If you are expecting a hike or have increased revenue in your profession, choose to pay for a higher EMI. Stick to that schedule to the extent possible.
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Check for Refinancing or Shifting Opportunities

Always be vigilant and monitor refinancing opportunities. There might be lenders who offer better terms and rates than your current rate of interest. Refinancing will help you straighten out your financial plan. You may even consider shifting loans if other lender offers a better rate and flexible terms. Online market places are useful for comparing loans and selecting the right personal loan.

Set Out a Plan Such as Automated Payments

Note that availing of a loan comes with a degree of risk. Hence, act responsibly and make payments upfront to the extent possible. Chalk out a plan on how you will manage your income and other expenses while making instalments. Automated payments will help you avoid defaults and you need not worry about checking the calendar.
Start planning as early as possible, even when you are hunting for a loan. For instance, if you are seeking for a home loan, start keeping aside some amount of money beforehand for EMIs. If you have some windfall gains, pay off your loan amount instead of splurging on some expensive item.

            ALSO READ: Smart Tips To Manage Your Money In Times Of A Crisis

To conclude,

Personal loan management is an art and there is no one-size-fits-all solution. A lot depends on your current and projected income, market conditions, other financial commitments, income sources, fiscal policies and other related parameters.
If you are deep in debt and cannot determine the exact way on how to manage your personal finance, it might be prudent to seek personal loan advice from experts.

To Avail Personal LoanApply Now

Written by  Manya Ghosh

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Manya is a seasoned finance professional with expertise in the non-banking financial sector, offering 3 years of experience. She excels in breaking down complex financial topics, making them accessible to readers. In their free time, she enjoys playing golf.


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