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Builder Buyer Agreement
Purchasing a property is a significant decision that takes several months or years. However, when finalising the purchase, one must read the Builder Buyer Agreement (BBA) properly before signing the d...

Delhi Circle Rate
Delhi is a bustling city in India with a well-established property market. When entering the real estate market for a property, you will invariably hear about the 'circle rate' that forms the...

Immovable Property
Since ages, humans have categorised properties based on their size, shape, and use case. Generally speaking, a property can be of two types: movable and immovable.

circle rates in kolkata
Are you planning to invest in a residential or commercial property in Kolkata? It can be an exciting yet tricky task, as it needs a lot of planning, research, and informed decision-making.

Circle Rate in Mumbai
When it comes to property registration in Mumbai, understanding the concept of circle rates is vital. Think of it as the baseline price set by the government for property transactions. Often known as...

Miminum CIBIL Score for Loan Against Property
As per Hero FinCorp Limited's policy, there is no specific credit score requirement for a loan against property. However, it is important to note that the CIBIL score is one of the factors conside...

Did You Know

Credit Worthiness

Before offering a loan, the lender evaluates the borrower's possibility of defaulting, by measuring his or her credit worthiness. This assessment is based on the borrower's credit history, credit rating or score, employment/ business history, banking history, income to expense ratio, and others.

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