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Credit Bureaus are agenciesthat collate and analyze data for credit transactions of individuals and business enterprises, including loans, credit cards, overdrafts etc. and their repayment schedules....

how to increase cibil score
Nowadays, with online loan processing, people can borrow loans easily or depend on credit cards to achieve their financial goals and aspirations faster. Therefore, to avoid fraudulent activities,

Get clarity on the concepts of Credit score and CIBIL score when you are taking anew loan or applying for a personal loan for the first time. Universally, a Credit score or CIBIL score is a very impor...

Improve your cibil score
CIBIL score is a 3-digit numeric synopsis of your credit history that is considered by lenders across India for evaluating a borrower’s creditworthiness before granting them any kind of loan, in...

credit scores vary across credit bureaus
A credit score reflects the financial well-being of the borrower. When you are comparing credit score results on two agency websites and the score appears slightly different, keep calm as it is comple...

Good CIBIL score helps to get faster loan approvals. A low CIBIL score is a disadvantage for borrowers who often face financial shortages and rely on personal loans for financial management. If the CI...

Did You Know

Credit Worthiness

Before offering a loan, the lender evaluates the borrower's possibility of defaulting, by measuring his or her credit worthiness. This assessment is based on the borrower's credit history, credit rating or score, employment/ business history, banking history, income to expense ratio, and others.

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