Most people prefer buying a two-wheeler on finance. But if you are thinking about swiping your credit card to make this purchase, then it is a grave financial mistake that one can make. Though there might be many luring offers made by your credit card company, but using your credit card is always a costly deal in more ways than one.
Read on to know the financial pitfalls of using a credit card to purchase a two-wheeler.
There are a diverse variety of two-wheelers in the market, ranging from entry-level commuting vehicles to superbikes. Similarly, financing options for the bike are also numerous. But it is very important to choose the right financing option while buying a two-wheeler.
Why you should not use a credit card to buy a two-wheeler?
Many youngsters swipe their credit cards to make high-end purchases because of the ease of use. But this is a grave financial mistake that can lend them in a debt trap. Read on to discover the demerits of using a credit card for two-wheeler purchase.
Reduced repayment tenure
Buying a two-wheeler is an expensive endeavour. Even if you finance your two-wheeler and the lender does not give you enough time to repay, the likelihood of default increases. The most significant disadvantage of credit cards is the length of repayment.
The lender requires you to pay the utilised amount within 25 to 55 days per the credit card terms and conditions. If you exceed this time limit and only pay the minimum due amount then the credit card company will levy very high interest rate on your credit amount. This makes repayment even more difficult. However, you can choose a tenure ranging from 6-48 months when applying for a bike loan.
Using a two-wheeler loan EMI calculator, you can determine the best payback period for a two-wheeler loan.
Lowers Credit Score
Although a credit card can help you buy anything whose cost is within your card limit, there is a significant disadvantage to it. According to the credit bureau, your credit score will suffer if you use more than 30% of your total credit limit. That is because the credit bureau will perceive you as a hungry borrower.
Suppose you own a credit card with a limit of Rs 2,50,000. The bike you wish to buy costs worth Rs 1,00,000. Here, if you want to use your credit card, you will be exhausting 40% of your limit. On the other hand, with a two-wheeler loan, you can easily purchase your dream bike without worrying about your credit score.
Rate of Interest
Credit cards are popular because they have no interest rate. But there is a big catch. Credit cards do not levy interest rate on the borrowed amount only if you pay back within 30 days. But if you fail to make the repayment within this time, then the interest rate levied on the amount is very high. In addition to that, the lender will charge you a huge penalty if you miss the due date.
However, when it comes to bike loans, the interest rate is comparably much lower. Bike loans are a type of secured financing in which the lender hypothecates your vehicle to protect themselves in the event of a default. Given this, the interest rates will be significantly lower. You can also choose the due date as per your convenience.
Also Read: 6 Benefits of Two-Wheeler Loans That Make Your Life Easy