Once upon a time lived a young entrepreneur named Rohan. Rohan aspired to start his own business and support his family. He worked hard, saved money, and eventually got a loan to start his business. However, things did not go as planned, and Rohan soon found himself struggling to make loan payments. The interest on his loan continued to rise, and Rohan soon realised he had fallen into a debt trap.
But there is a way to avoid it. By understanding the warning signs and taking proactive measures, individuals can protect themselves from falling into the debt trap and secure their financial future. In this article, we will explore the concept of the debt trap, its causes and consequences, and importantly, how you can avoid it.
What is a Debt Trap?
A debt trap is a situation where you take on more debt than you can handle and is unable to repay it. It often happens when you or your business entity takes a loan intending to use it for productive purposes but ends up spending more than you intended, or your financial situation worsens, leaving you unable to repay the debt.
Debt trap works through a combination of high interest rates, fees, and penalties, which make it increasingly difficult for the borrower to repay their debt. This leads to a cycle of borrowing more money to pay off the interest and fees on previous loans, trapping the borrower in a cycle of debt.
In some cases, debt traps are created deliberately by lenders. Such lenders offer loans with unfavorable terms and target vulnerable populations, such as low-income families or those with limited financial literacy.