Personal loans are common these days. Almost everyone you meet is paying back a personal loan that they took. However, it’s important to remember that personal loans are critical financial obligation and needs to be repaid on time. When you do not pay your loan on time, you become a loan defaulter.
Nowadays, most loans are repaid in monthly instalments. So, if you miss paying the instalment for one month, you will be in default of the loan. So what happens when you do not payback your loan? Are there any legal consequences of loan default in India?
In this article, we talk about the various consequences of defaulting on your personal loan and how you should deal with such a situation.
Consequences of Loan Default
What happens if a personal loan EMI is not paid?
An Increase in Debt
This may seem surprising, but defaulting on a debt will actually increase your overall debt. This is because when a default happens, the lending institution will charge you higher interest until the monthly payment is made. Further, you will need to pay penalties or fees for defaulting.
This is one of the main reasons why defaulting is so problematic. Suppose you face a liquidity crunch and cannot repay your loan on time, you will need to pay a significantly higher amount later on.
This can lead to a cycle of ever-increasing debt. People can find themselves repaying the interest and penalty on a loan for years because they missed a few payments in the beginning.
Your Credit Score Nosedives
The credit score determines how credit-worthy a person is. A person with a high credit score can get a personal loan much more easily than a person with a low credit score. The credit score tells lenders whether a loan applicant is likely to be able to repay the loan on time or not.
The credit score is calculated and published by credit ratings agencies. These agencies are responsible for checking your financial records and lending institutions get a person’s credit score from them.
If you default on even one payment, then your credit score will become much lower. This will impact your ability to receive credit in the future. Your personal loan eligibility will be less in the future.