Nowadays, a major emphasis on the credit score of the borrowers taking a personal loan is considered a vital factor by the lender. As a result, many young working professionals and self-employed individuals look for ways to improve their creditworthiness before taking a personal loan. A personal loan is a kind of loan that can be used for several reasons like buying an electronic gadget, debt consolidation, or home renovations is an example of taking personal loans.
What is a credit score?
To know how a
personal loan impacts your credit score, you need first to understand your credit score and how things get affected. A credit score is a numerical expression based on a level analysis of a person's credit files to represent the creditworthiness of an individual. CIBIL TransUnion, Equifax, CRIF High Mark and Experian are the bureaus that maintain credit reports.
Several factors can impact your credit score. Credit bureaus use many factors to evaluate your credit score in the following method:
- Credit history
- Credit utilization
- Number of accounts
- New credit lines
- Credit history length
The bureaus use their trademark algorithms to calculate the applicant's credit score. Therefore, applying for a personal loan can positively and negatively impact your credit score, as stated in this article.