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मकान बनाने के लिए लोन- जानिये इसे लेने का तरीका
यदि आप पूरे मकान नए सिरे बनाने का सोच रहे हैं तो इसके लिए आपको कंस्ट्रक्शन लोन लेना होगा। इस बात का भी ध्यान रखें कि मकान बनाने के लिए लोन, होम लोन और प्लॉट लोन के समान नहीं होते हैं। आइये जानते हैं क...

Home Remodelling Financing Here Are the 4 Best Options
Home remodelling or home improvement loans help in paying for repairs, renovations, and interior updates that need to be undertaken to improve the overall value of our homes. Given the extra space nee...

With their refreshing cup of green tea, Preeti and Rakesh just married 6 months ago, are browsing through the websites of real estate developers and home financing institutions. They have decided that...

tips home loan eligibility
Home loan is the best option that you can think of if you intend to buy a new house but are not being able to save up the entire amount. Applying for a home loan gives you the flexibility to buy a hou...

When thinking of investing in a new home, one should consider applying for a home loan. Applying for a home loan involves keeping a check of all the documents, checking the rate of in...

home loan
Introduction to Land Loans and Home Loans

A Land Loan may appear similar to a Home Loan, and they do have multiple similarities, however these two are very different loans which are aimed at...

Did You Know

Credit Worthiness

Before offering a loan, the lender evaluates the borrower's possibility of defaulting, by measuring his or her credit worthiness. This assessment is based on the borrower's credit history, credit rating or score, employment/ business history, banking history, income to expense ratio, and others.

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